Quilled Nativity Scene and Birthday Card
It has been said that imitation is the sincerest form of plagiarism. And many artists have learned volumes trying to replicate the art of the masters. So, at the risk of seeming hugely derivative and a questionably borderline copycat, here are a couple of quilled items I did near Christmas 2010. The first is a birthday card for a friend based on the card I saw by Stefani Tadio of And Another Thing blog:
The second is a blatant, though obsequious, imitation of a beautiful Nativity scene by Cheryl Scanks sold in her Cards by Cheryl Etsy shop:
I am grateful and happy to give credit where credit is due for the inspirations of my quilling projects. I am currently branching out and doing my own designs. However, because of these wonderful quilling artists who are willing to post photos of their work on the 'Web, I have quality works to imitate and from which to learn loads. Thanks all of you!
Labels: DIY birthday card, handmade cards, Karren Doll Tolliver, Komnata Chista, nativity set, paper art, paper filigree, quilling